Listening to the Guardian podcast today, the British writer Jonathan Raban was asked about writing and he told an anecdote about Vladimir Nabokov. Asked where he got his inspiration for Lolita, he gave this typical (for him) cryptic response: he had read about an ape held in captivity by scientists that was given crayons and paper. His drawings were never anything recognizable until one day he drew something they could identify. He had drawn the bars of his cage. That is what Nabokov was describing in his writing.
Leonard Lopate had hurricane experts on to discuss how the field has changed since Katrina. Hurricane science has improved since Katrina. They say they are doing better at predicting the path but less so with the intensity. They may never be able to fully capture the chaos. Once you pass a certain point in the ocean (not sure where but by NYC certainly), hurricanes cannot exceed Category III in strength.
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