Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some random quotes I've liked recently

Emphasis on the random, as we shall see...

BBC Open Book had a show discussing the short story and why it gets short shrift from British publishers. Tessa Hadley (a British author and literary essayist) was discussing her love for Alice Munro and how her stories don't have a proper ending. Hadley said how dare anyone have the audacity to expect Munro to provide an ending for such real lives. Other thoughts about short stories were that they were more nutritious than novels (packed with more stuff per page) and that the writer had to hook the reader in the first few sentences as readers were more likely to put a short story that didn't grab them then a novel.

180 degrees later, Onion AV was discussing the ever-declining ratings of "Jersey Shore", a show I've still never seen except for clips on "The Soup" and "Beavis and Butthead" (Butthead, "Grandma J-Wow, tell us when you first got chlamydia.") They describe the cast as "seven sentient bottles of vodka-scented tanning oil," a line that's pretty much going to be impossible not to store away for future use.

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