Sunday, August 28, 2011

Final thoughts on Horns, + first and last

Well, nothing to look up for this book. Ok, not exactly true. The book takes place in the fictional town of Gideon, NH near Portsmouth so I looked up a map of NH. It's right across the bay from Maine actually so I wondered if the reference to Derry might have been a shout-out to his dear old Dad's Derry, Maine. Evidently though, there is a very real Derrry, NH so just as likely not. Especially since the name Pennywise didn't come up.

JB had said this book was good, if blasphemous. I guess I can see someone thinking it's blasphemous, although the only part that bothered me was the animal cruelty (too many gruesome snake killings-especially the poor rat snake who gets tricked into swimming into the killer's gullet.) We all have our bailiwicks. I wonder was it the scene where the newly demonic Ig gives a loopy speech to a forest full of snakes:

"I see God now as an unimaginative writer of popular fictions, someone who builds stories around sadistic and graceless plots, narratives that exist only to express His terror of a woman's power to choose who and how to love, to redefine love as she sees fit, not as God thinks it ought to be. the author is unworthy of His own characters. The devil is first a literary critic, who delivers this untalented scribbler the public flaying He deserves."

Well, this goes on for pages. Or maybe it was the remark Ig made near the end about why wasn't the devil the hero of the Bible since he rescued Adam and Eve from a bucolic prison run by a megalomaniac? That actually was kinda funny. Or maybe it was just that the devil isn't nearly as bad as some people in this book.

Anyways, this is good but for scares, nothing can top his short story "Twittering From the Circus of the Damned." It's crazy that a story told in Twitter format worked for starters, nevermind that is is piss your pants scary.


Ignatius Martin Perrish spent the night drunk and doing terrible things.


"Poor devil," Terry said before he got into his rent-a-car and drove away.

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