Monday, May 9, 2011

Best and worst Bin Laden reactions

I rarely write about politics because this is a perfect example of a topic where skill of writing is crucial. I basically have nothing to say that isn't better (and worse) said elsewhere.

I of course was interested but didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the Bin Laden brouhaha last week in the news cycles. There was an interesting story on PRI's Science podcast about how a California geography professor predicted his rough whereabouts based on his needs for security and electricity. It was only a general prediction, he didn't pinpoint the actual location in Abbottabad. Does anyone else think this sounds like far too benign of a place? I keep picturing something like this:

As usual, my favorite reaction was from Jon Stewart. The Huff Po has more of his remarks but my favorite was his bit that instead of living in a cave as the legend went, he was tricked out like a Real Housewife.

Courtesy of one of my Twitter feeds (I've become quite addicted to the Twitter lately), my favorite worst reaction was from Geraldo Rivera, who likened his death to...the Apollo moon landing? Why does this bell end still have a tv career?

(thanks to Ali G also, for teaching me cool West London slang like "bell end.")

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