Monday, June 13, 2011

Underwhelming adventures but awesome conversations

Speaking to my boss is almost always entertaining, as you'll see below. For the purposes of vague anonymity, I'll call him Gary.

He was telling me this morning about his weekend, which involved going to some ice cream place where he took his picture. He was showing me the patron pictures on their website so I asked, "So, your picture is on the website?"

"No, why would it be on the website?" Gary said.

Ok? So basically he had a picture of himself at the ice cream place? No. It was a picture of his motorcycle parked in front of it. He wasn't even in it. None of this is that funny except it took several minutes to figure out that he basically took a picture of his motorcycle and had ice cream this weekend.

So I mentioned I was on NPR on Friday (I am a huge dork about these things. I was once filmed jumping rope in a boxing class at my old gym for the local news when they did a story about bootcamp classes. I taped that segment and pretty much everyone I knew at that time was forced to watch the tape until my co-workers made fun of me for jumping with my mouth open and I got self conscious.)

This conversation followed:

Gary: MPR?
(he then starts to type "MPR Vanessa" in his Google bar)
Me: NPR, Gary. Like the radio?
Gary: I don't listen to that. It's not MPR?
(He keeps trying to type "MPR Vanessa" so I was like, forget it I'll send you the link. I explained what the show was about)
Gary: Who did you invite?
Me: John Steinbeck, Werner Herzog, Pepa.
Gary: Pepa?
Me: Like Salt N Pepa? Caravaggio.
Gary: Who the hell is that?

Me: A 17th century paint...oh nevermind. Stan Lee
Gary: Stanley who? That sounds boring. Your party would suck.
Me: Please.Who would you invite? Sonny Barger?
Gary: Porn stars
Me: Like Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson?
Gary: You know their names?
Me: You don't? You're the one what watches it.
Gary: Yeah but I don't know their names. Doesn't that bother you?
Me: In fact, yes. I guess you fast forward through the credits. So your list would just be "Three random porn stars?"

He did listen to the show though which was very nice of him. He's really a nice guy. That conversation was so awesome though I wish I could have taped that and put it on the radio. My friend JB was cracking up and was like, "I must Google 'MPR Vanessa' now." It actually linked to a story on Minnesota Public Radio so Gary was closer than we knew.

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