Monday, June 20, 2011

You're Killing me

I've pretty much drunk the Kool-Aid on the AMC brand. I cannot wait for Breaking Bad-which might be the best show on television-to come back in July. In the meantime, AMC offered up a little tidbit called The Killing which was based on a Danish show called Forbrydelsen. If you have watched the show, you know all of this.

The finale was last night and the internets are NOT happy, my droogs. No, they are setting cyber trash cans on fire and ready to play surprise visit at AMC headquarters where there will be singing in the rain-which is fitting if you've seen the show where it rained every episode.

I don't want to talk about the finale except--ok. The show has been on a steep decline since episode 3 or so. It squandered all the original good will (and there was plenty. Here is one example.) The finale though was the penultimate fuck you. I watched 13 episodes just hanging on in the end to see who killed Rosie Larsen considering I might even watch next season if they retooled because the cast is so talented...and they served up more lameass plot "twists" and didn't fucking tell us who killed Rosie Larsen. They actually expect us to turn in next season and find out. If you have watched the show, you know all of this.

Then there's the matter of this infuriating interview the show runner granted Alan Sepinwall.

I just want to take a moment and observe the pop culture wrath. I have never seen so many critics so enraged (if you only read one link, read the last one from NY Mag. I'd eat my shoes a la Herzog to be able to wield this kind of literate snark.)

Then, there's the matter of a boneheaded review from, of all places, the New York Times. And finally, NY mag speculates on who did do it and all I can say is someone from AMC needs to hire them immediately to perpetrate a fix on season 2 now.

Most of these reviews concluding with the recapper throwing up their hands and saying "Fuck you, I ain't watching this shit again." At least literally in one case. You see this all the time on comment boards but rarely from critics.The neutron bomb of bad will is riveting.

All of this ironically is much more fascinating than anything I saw in the last 13 hours of AMC original programming that I've watched.

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