Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Flying high in the DCnU

The comics world is all abuzz with the DC "Don't call it a reboot." Some people are pissed because they are making Barbara Gordon Batgirl again because she was so inspirational as Oracle-this is a really long story but Barbara has been in a wheelchair ever since The Joker shot her in the Alan Moore-penned The Killing Joke which inevitably leads to debate on whether that story was intended to be part of the canon. Gail Simone is writing that comic (yay!) and I'll let her have the final say.

Others are pissed because they've been reading comicses since 1974. Overheard at the local store today for example, "They should just call it a reboot man. The new Superman can't even FLY."

Some are worried over what became of their favorite characters. For me, that's Huntress but she appears to have a mini-series coming in October so all is well. Now riddle me this: where is Question?

But the real reason to be pissed is if, like me and my compatriots in the comics forum on Goodreads is that we keep finding more shit to BUY.

Here as it stands is my current pull list for September:

  • Aquaman-if Geoff Johns can do for Arthur Curry what he did for the Green Lantern, I am in.
  • Justice League: Johns again with Jim Lee on art. If there's on complaint about DC, it's their mismanagement of their flagship titles (I don't, for now, give a shit about digital comics but that will change if I ever get an iPad.) Johns and Lee though=hell yeah for a title I never cared about.
  • The Fury of Firestorm: I have never read this comic but I will follow Gail Simone anywhere. Also, I'm curious about artist turned writer Ethan Van Sciver. 
  • Green Arrow: I love Ollie. He's green-like eco green. 
  • Green Lantern, et al: ok, here's where things get hairy. I love me some Green Lantern. War of the Lanterns? Riveting. Death of Mogo? Please, I can't blog and cry. But they are pulling some XMen style shit here. 4 titles I'd have to follow every month? I'm ordering all 4 for now but I'm hoping at least one or more of the new ones suck so I can scale back. Gotta say though, I AM pretty hyped for the Red Lantern Corps. We'll burn you all, that is your fate!
  • Action Comics: I've never gotten into Superman that much but the new cover looks pretty cool and freaking Grant Morrison is writing it. And  I'm betting bitching dude at the comics store is in line behind me.
  • Supergirl: another title I never much cared about but I'm intrigued by the concept--apparently Supe's cousin is not very fond of humans.
  • Batman, et al: another Lantern style mess here. I won't be following any of the Batman versions but count me in on Batgirl (again, Gail Simone), Batwoman (is she Kathy Kane?), Catwoman, Nightwing (I've always been more of a Dick Grayson fan), and maaaybe Omac (which is written by Dan DiDio himself.) Tell me the last means more Outsiders. And Birds of Prey which-alas-Gail Simone is off of. The last issue by Marc Andreyko was just ok. Come reboot, it'll be penned by Duane Swierczynski.
  • Justice League Dark: John Constantine is back in the DC U.
  • Swamp Thing:... and so is Swamp Thing and he's written by Scott Snyder
  • Suicide Squad
So that's, what, 18 pulls so far? Not counting OMAC which I'm not sure about. I'm pissed at Marvel for some fuckery involving Spider Island so I'm waiting for TPB on that series at least. I'm sure-or, I hope-I won't be keeping up with all of these. A guy at the store told me he resolves these issues by buying DC and waiting for TPB on everything else. But he wasn't aware that you could check graphic novels out of the library so his money-saving plan seems to be lacking.

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